At the same time the latest SATA hard drives are used, providing reliability and a wide choice of capacity to suit the needs of the installation and the budget. Hard drives in all Videoswitch DVRs are removable to allow easy replacement and upgrade. Automatic monitoring of drives is featured and the user is alerted if replacement is due.
Users have the reassurance of a premium brand name and a stable and reliable UK built product, backed up by both pre sales and post-sales technical assistance and long term product support. Videoswitch maintains stability in the product range so users can therefore commit to roll-outs that may extend over many months in the knowledge that models will not become unavailable during the process. When new products are designed, we aim to maintain familiarity of operation in the keys and menus so users can readily switch to newer models.
§12 or 16 camera inputs (upgradeable). §CIF, 2CIF and 4CIF (D1) image quality options. §Cascade multiple DVRs for up to 256 cameras and 64T bytes.
§500 Gbytes to 4Tbytes (upgradeable). §Dual removable hard drives (SATA) with key lock. §Built-in DVD writer for backup §USB ports for backup. §4 independent monitor outputs (main and three spot monitors). §Up-the-coax and RS485 dome control built in. §Video loss and cloak detection. §Ethernet for remote IP viewing on a PC. §Supports remote keyboard with BNC monitor output via CAT5.§Double fan-cooled for high reliability. §Not PC or Windows based.